Worldwide Ornithological travel

Since 1989, I have had the chance of going on some ornithological trips all over the world. This site allows me to show you some of my most beautiful pictures of birds. However, Not forgetting landscape, mammals and all the other animals I saw.

For each trip, there is a list of birds and some practical information about the country.

Where would you like to go ?

North America



 Central America, West Indies

South America



- Systemactic list of bird pictures by family

- Systemactic list of animal pictures by family


- Complete list of birds of the site (English and Latin name)
- Complete list (Latin, French and English name)

- The last birds pictures updated

- The last animal pictures updated

- Some ornithologist links

The author in Greece (2001)...
I am also the author of a book of initiation on the birds of France !

This site has a lot of pictures and all right are reserved. If you want to use some pictures, please inform me by email : Jean-Philippe PARIS